What is EMAN, Who are we?

EMAN stands for Excel Martial Arts Network.

It was founded by Shamsuddin Ramli a.k.a Sam Dean in the year 2004. We are a group of instructors who have collaborated to build an ITF Taekwon-do society as a mechanism for our teenagers and others in the surrounding society. We hope to build a society who are united, disciplined, well-mannered, and successful socially and economically.

We name our academy as a "network" because we want to be able to network and cooperate with all martial arts, not just ITF Taekwon-do. Networking is important to us because we will be able to share with other successful martial arts academies our thoughts, ideas, experience and expertise in all martial arts, especially Taekwon-Do.

We are striving to make Taekwon-Do ITF as part of the lifestyle of the society, especially the teenagers, even though we do not have much support from any organization or authority. Teenagers are our future assets for the nation. So we, the instructors, feel that we have the obligation to build healthier teenagers and make them more interested in participating in sports.

For those who are interested in joining us to develop this academy, you may contact adib@emandojang.com.

Posted by Shamsuddin Ramli.